Kuzbass Horror

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Kuzbass Horror

Kuzbass Horror is a popular survival horror game developed by Russian indie game developers, Deqaf Studio. The game was first released in 2019 and has since gained a massive following due to its immersive gameplay and terrifying atmosphere. In this article, we'll provide a detailed overview of the game, including how to play using a keyboard and mouse, the levels of play, and the benefits of playing.

How to Play Kuzbass Horror with Keyboard and Mouse

Before diving into the gameplay, it's essential to understand the controls. Playing Kuzbass Horror requires a combination of keyboard and mouse controls. Here's a breakdown of the controls:

Keyboard Controls:

  • W: Move forward
  • A: Move left
  • S: Move backward
  • D: Move right
  • Left Shift: Sprint
  • Spacebar: Jump
  • Ctrl: Crouch
  • Tab: Inventory
  • E: Interact
  • F: Flashlight

Mouse Controls:

  • Left Mouse Button: Use equipped item
  • Right Mouse Button: Aim
  • Mouse Wheel: Switch equipped items

Once you have an understanding of the controls, it's time to dive into the gameplay.

Levels of Play

Kuzbass Horror features three different levels of play, each with its own unique challenges and objectives.

Level 1: Escape In level 1, you play as a miner trapped in a coal mine. Your objective is to escape the mine and find your way out. However, you're not alone. The mine is inhabited by terrifying creatures that will stop at nothing to kill you. To escape, you'll need to solve puzzles, collect items, and avoid the creatures.

Level 2: Survival In level 2, you play as a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world. Your objective is to survive as long as possible while avoiding the creatures that roam the land. You'll need to scavenge for resources, build shelter, and fend off attacks from the creatures.

Level 3: Nightmares In level 3, you play as a child plagued by nightmares. Your objective is to navigate through a haunted house and confront your fears. This level is particularly terrifying, with jump scares around every corner.

Benefits of Playing Kuzbass Horror

Playing Kuzbass Horror can have several benefits, including:

  1. Improving problem-solving skills: The game requires players to solve puzzles and find solutions to challenging situations.

  2. Enhancing hand-eye coordination: The combination of keyboard and mouse controls requires players to use their hands and eyes in coordination, improving their hand-eye coordination.

  3. Stress relief: While the game can be terrifying, it can also be a great stress reliever. The adrenaline rush of playing the game can help reduce stress levels.

  4. Immersive experience: Kuzbass Horror is known for its immersive gameplay and terrifying atmosphere. Players can become fully immersed in the game and forget about the real world for a while.


Kuzbass Horror is a thrilling survival horror game that has gained a massive following due to its immersive gameplay and terrifying atmosphere. Playing the game requires a combination of keyboard and mouse controls, and there are three different levels of play, each with its own unique challenges and objectives. While the game can be terrifying, it can also have several benefits, including improving problem-solving skills, enhancing hand-eye coordination, and providing stress relief. If you're a fan of horror games, Kuzbass Horror is definitely worth checking out.

How to play

arrow keys or WASD for movement
E = pick up something or use a tool
C stands for crouch (stealth mode)
I equals open/closed inventory.
Choose an item from the inventory using the mouse wheel.
Tap to pause

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